Melody Gardot 'Our love is easy'.
Nearly six years ago a collision with a car all but took her life and looked like leaving her crippled and cocooned within her mind, her brain alert but her body broken. The then 19-year-old fashion student had her pelvis fractured, her spine damaged and suffered trauma to her brain. She could neither talk nor move and there seemed little prospect of that changing.......
Among her many other impairments, Gardot had aphasia, which meant she was unable to formulate words - she could think of the words but not make the sounds emerge from her mouth despite having no physical barrier to speech. It's a condition often seen in soldiers returning from Iraq with head injuries but also in sufferers of Alzheimer's disease.........
Until two years ago Gardot could speak only with great difficulty. "It was as if 20 minutes would pass for me to speak one sentence and I would sit there trying to break down the levee that was built between my brain and my mouth", is how she describes it.......
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